Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Daughter's Lock Journey Has Begun!!

omg! that's the basic reaction to my daughter's hair. she is now braidlocked (bradeloc'd)! it took me exactly 7 days. yes, an entire week to install her microlocks. because she was still attending school and i'm still breastfeeding my other baby girl (7 mos. old), i could only do a couple hours a night.I wanted them to be micro/small. the outer perimeter are smaller than the middle of her head. she LOVES them! they fit her personality. i love the styling freedom and the endless options. i owe all of you ladies out there a debt of gratitude for being generous with your shared stories, trials and tribulations, tips and tricks. you have helped us establish a new chapter in our lives. i am posting some before/during/after photos. i enjoy watching her hair every day it seems to change each day in some form. i just look at her and smile and i know we made the right choice. i already heard a naysayer mention that "...dreads aren't supposed to be that small". i rolled my eyes. this comes from a permie who wears long flowing weaves more often than not. what i wanted to say was, "no, our hair isn't supposed to be Caucasian straight. if it were to be so, it would grow out of our scalps that way and you wouldn't have to buy it from the store." but being me, polite and soft-spoken (most of the time), i kept this to myself. perhaps the next person who mentions something like that won't escape so easily. to borrow again from that often quoted statement made by marcus garvey : remove the kinks from your brain, not your hair!


  1. You did an excellent job! And yes, its the "permies" with the comments ignore them they know no better!! We were all there at once.

  2. Thank you. Although I know my daughter and I made the right decision with her hair, it's still nice to hear positive comments and support. Today my mother-in-law (who has yet to see our new braidlocks) made mention of those "things" in our hair. I love her to death regardless. I know that everyone has their own opinion. I didn't do it for acceptance and approval. I just feel like this: unless I ask your opinion, don't give it. Or the age old adage: If you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself. I'm rambling, but anyhow, thanks again. Your words are refreshing. Take care! Oh, and your little girl is completely adorable!

  3. Omgoodness! Your daughter's hair is GORGEOUS! Can you move to miami and do mine? LOL I commend you for doing it so well with babies to take care of. I can barely find the time and it's just me and my fiance at home! Happy Hair Growing!
