Sunday, February 20, 2011

Twisting Away...

When I checked on my blog (after many months, I admit), I was surprised to see that it looked significantly different than it had the last time I looked at it. Apparently my blog design code expired or something. I apologize for the ugliness for those of you who ventured across my blog. I will be more diligent in my blog upkeep in the future. I will try, anyhow.

My hair is still unlocked, my daughter's hair is still locking. I am very happy that I decided to combine her locks and palm roll them. It seems to be locking faster. Even the ones that I combined are locking together nicely. I wish I had started them off this way, but we live and we learn. I'm starting to finally see some length. I know her hair is growing, but because they were matting and growing together (growing wider, rather than longer) the growth was hard to see. She and I are waiting for it to start growing like weeds! It seems like a nice idea now of super long hair, but I'm sure it's more challenging. But we'll deal with that when it comes.

Well, I just wanted to update on her hair and to say hello to everyone. Contact me with questions or comments. Take care of your hair!

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